If there is damage to the turbine rotor, examine the exhaust manifold to ensure that no foreign objects remain there or that the exhaust manifold is not disintegrating. Be thorough, even very small parts can cause serious damage to the rotor.
Check intake valves, heaters and intake parts that may have broken and entered the engine; these debris, when expelled from the exhaust manifold, seriously damage the turbo rotor.
If the bearings have excessive play, it may be due to lack, poor condition or low quality of the lubricating oil used, oil and filter must be changed. It is important that you always use top quality oil and filters. Replace the turbo oil inlet hose to ensure proper lubrication.
If there are oil leaks from the exhaust and intake sides, check all the crankcase breathers and valve cover, clean the accumulator/oil separator and check that there are no pressures in the crankcase that would make it difficult to drop.
Oil buildup in the intercooler can cause the engine to rev, clean it properly. Check that there are no foreign bodies or oil left in it.
If there is damage to the compressor rotor, check the filtration system and ductwork for unfiltered air and foreign objects. Be extremely careful when changing the air filter as any introduced object will end up hitting the compressor rotor, causing serious damage. Check the hoses, checking that there are no pinches in them, replacing them if necessary.
Thoroughly check the absence of foreign bodies in the outlet, cylinder head cover, oil vapor re-suction circuit, EGR valves and their ducts, clean by suction and, if necessary, pass a magnet through curves and valve.